DIY Charm Bracelets

Save old/ broken jewellery, left over beads, buttons, gemstones, and make your very own DIY charm bracelet!!

craft charm bracelet easy beading project
You will need:
Jewellery links, elastic cord, bracelet clasps, think wire and needle nose pliers (or jewellery pliers)

Pretty simple, use the elastic cord and bead a bracelet with your choice of closure. String together charms on wire (1"-1.5") attach a link to one end of the charm and use it to join to bracelet..

craft charm bracelet easy beading project
craft charm bracelet easy beading project

1 comment:

  1. An Elastic cord is a type of cord that is made from a rubber or plastic material. The cord is often used in bracelets, necklaces, and other jewelry to provide an adjustable fit.
